Не забываем, что Айрон демона подрезали в новом ФАКе:
Q. Can an Iron Daemon benefit from the re-roll granted to a war machine by the Infernal Engineer rule?
A. No. The Iron Daemon is a Unique Unit and not a War Machine as shown in its troop type.
Q. Can the Iron Daemon stand and shoot?
A. No, it cannot.
Q. What is meant by the phrase “may move normally up to its Move distance and fire its weapons without penalty while doing so”?
A. It means that it does not suffer the normal -1 to hit for moving and shooting.
Q. The Steam Cannonade fires “at a target directly ahead”. Does this mean within the front arc or literally directly ahead, using the width of the Iron Daemon base as a reference.
A. Directly ahead, using the width of the Iron Daemon’s base as a reference - it cannot traverse.
Q. On page 193 under the Iron Daemon options, it specifies that “only Impact Hits and Thunderstomp of the machine, not the crew, become magical attacks”. Does this means that shots fired by the Cannonade of a Hellbound Iron Daemon are not considered as magical attacks?
A. The wording on page 193 is intended specifically to divide the Iron Daemon's own attacks from those of its crew, which are not affected by the IHellbound rule. Its shooting attacks are affected as per page 175.
Q. Since the Iron Daemon cannot wheel or turn during a charge, does this mean that when it contacts a unit it does not ‘close the door’ and the charged unit ‘closes the door’ instead?
A. If an Iron Daemon makes contact with an enemy unit then the normal rules apply for combats and the Iron Daemon is allowed to ‘close the door’. This is the only time that the model is allowed to wheel. When charging the Iron Daemon must make contact with the facing of the charged unit that it started in, otherwise it counts as a failed charge.