1.По поводу hidden set up
Это правило используется только в специальных миссиях из большой книги.
I some scenarios, forces have had time to conceal their troops and prepare booby traps and minefields to delay the enemy. When Hidden Set-up you will need a Hidden Set-up marker for every unit in your force (including those in reserve or not staring on the tabletop for some reason).
When forces are deployed on the table, the defender places Hidden Set-up markers instead of models. A marker may be placed on any terrain. As long as it can be moved over by the model it is representing, and in the defender’s normal deployment zone.
Each marker needs to be numbered so that you can note down which number corresponds to which unit – if you don’t have any numbered markers simply make your own by tearing off some pieces of scrap paper and numbering them Alternatively, the defender can draw a map of the tabletop and mark the location of each of his units on it.
Vehicles must be hidden in appropriate terrain features. It is not possible to disguise a Leman Russ battle tank on an open plain, but it could be hidden at the edge of a wood, behind a building or in a terrain feature which could conceivably hide the model. As terrain varies so much, it is impossible to give an exhaustive list, so apply common sense. Obviously, it’s much easier to hide buggy than tank.
Once the defender has placed all his Hidden Set-up markers the attacker then deploys his forces as described in the scenario set-up rules. Once the attacker’s deployment is complete the defender reveals his Hidden Set-up markers and places the appropriate models on the table.
For unit of multiple models, one model is placed on the counter with the rest of the unit in 2” coherency as normal with no model more than 6” from the counter. A lone vehicle must be placed on the counter itself. Counters that are foe units in reserve have a chance of being a minefield or a booby trap
Писать забадался, так что если надо – читай стр. 205 большой книги правил.
2. А по поводу второго вопроса
«Infantry firing from a vehicle counts as moving if the vehicle moves, and may not fire at all if the vehicle moves faster than 12”. This means they may not fire heavy weapons from a moving vehicle unless normally allowed to fire heavy weapons when moving.»
Т.е. если Химера двинулась, то пассажиры могут стрелять из рапидок как будто двигались (2 раза на 12”), из азалт как обычно, из хеви никак.
Ну а если Химера умудриться проехать более 12” (что теоретически невозможно, хотя мало ли) никто из пассажиров стрелять не сможет.
3. А на третий вопрос информации не имею, извиняйте. Это уж у высших чинов гвардии узнавать надо или на крайняк у Адмистратума. А лучше у самого Императора спроси, он то должен знать.