Покумекал я на тему ростера для бистов. надумал следующее:
Beastlord: Sword of Swift Slaying; Ramhorn Helm; Obsidian Lodestone; Gnarled Hide; heavy armour; shield 254
Great Bray-Shaman: Fencer's Blades; Hagtree Fetish; Talisman of Preservation; Level 4 Wizard; Lore of Death 335
Wargor: Enchanted Shield; Crown of Command; heavy armour; Battle Standard 164
Bray-Shaman: Staff of Darkoth; Lore of Death 125
Bray-Shaman: Shard of the Herdstone; Lore of Shadow 125
Bray-Shaman: Dispel Scroll; Ruby Ring of Ruin; Lore of Beasts 125
Bray-Shaman: Obsidian Amulet; Scroll of Shielding; Lore of Death 120
43 Gors: additional hand weapon; Foe-render; Musician; Standard Bearer (Banner of Swiftness) 384
5 Ungor Raiders: Musician 33
5 Ungor Raiders: Musician 33
5 Ungor Raiders: Musician 33
5 Ungor Raiders: Musician 33
Tuskgor Chariot 80
Tuskgor Chariot 80
40 Bestigors: Gouge-horn; Musician; Standard Bearer (Standard of Discipline) 525
5 Harpies: Scouts 70
5 Harpies: Scouts 70
1 Razorgor 55
1 Razorgor 55
Планирую его потестить в близжайшие выходные, надеюсь будет уграбельнее предыдущего.