Хочется бастион. Возможно, для этого стоит сбросить одного колобка.
1 Inquisitor Coteaz (HQ) 100pts
1 Autarch - Warlord (HQ) @ 150 Pts
Shuriken Pistol; Laser Lance; Fusion Gun; Banshee Mask; Mantle of the
Laughing God; Eldar Jetbike
5 Dire Avengers (Troops) @ 210 Pts
1 Wave Serpent @ [145] Pts
Holo-fields; Shuriken Cannon; Twin Scatter Laser
5 Dire Avengers (Troops) @ 210 Pts
1 Wave Serpent @ [145] Pts
Holo-fields; Shuriken Cannon; Twin Scatter Laser
5 Dire Avengers (Troops) @ 210 Pts
1 Wave Serpent @ [145] Pts
Holo-fields; Shuriken Cannon; Twin Scatter Laser
5 Dire Avengers (Troops) @ 210 Pts
1 Wave Serpent @ [145] Pts
Holo-fields; Shuriken Cannon; Twin Scatter Laser
1 Crimson Hunter (Fast Attack) @ 160 Pts
Bright Lance (x2)
1 Crimson Hunter (Fast Attack) @ 160 Pts
Bright Lance (x2)
1 Imperial Bastion (Fortification) @ 95 Pts
Comms relay
1 Librarian (HQ) (IH) @ 65 Pts
Force Axe; Bolt Pistol; Power Armour; Mastery Level 1
4 Tactical Squad (Troops) (IH) @ 90 Pts
1 Space Marine Sergeant @ [14] Pts
Bolt Pistol; Boltgun
3 Centurion Devastator Squad (Heavy Support) (IH) @ 340 Pts
Grav-Cannons & Grav Amps; Hurricane Bolters
1 Centurion Sergeant @ [100] Pts
Grav-Cannon & Grav Amp; Hurricane Bolter; Omniscope
Отредактировано Ph@ntom (2013-12-16 11:18:21)