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Поделиться8732015-03-08 08:17:59
>Courage and forbearance to all lovers of Battle.
>I summarized here everything I lately collected, and you seem to ignore or misinterpret. I am not paid by anyone to deceive you. I’m the most confident about aesthetic and visual questions, and about skaven stuff. Friendly.
>Anyone who wants to know what there is in V9 has to imagine that this is the V8 ; it will be 90% right.
>Rule changes have been made to stabilize and streamline some points, particularly at the formation units and their interaction with the characters, from what I was told.
>About the armies that follow (“factions” J ) : they won’t be "bundling" of existing armies, but almost all new prospects. These are all new units with an aesthetic different from what we knew and new historic lines, new characters, we could almost consider some of them as new “races”. Nevertheless, each new release will be integrated into one or more pre-existent conventional armies. Some new units, for example, will just belong to “Forces of Order” or “Forces of Destruction”. No stress. You can keep your old collection (all your collection), and enjoy with it.
>V9 will not be just one book, but a box with other things such as a volume focused on two types of battles : clashes "lord of battles "in standard format creating links between games, and smaller battles with “pre-organised” armies (that's what you took for a skirmish game I think).
>About this “skirmish” game: I’m not completely sure about that : this has taken many different forms over the settings but it seems to be one of the most tested aspects in recent years by GW teams. It is not intended to be the main way to play Battle. Currently, forces will be selected from a list of predefined choices, more restrained that the currents army books, without worrying percentage points, points themselves will not so important anymore: it will be destabilizing for the old players, but the number of miniatures contained in a unit or its point value could be no longer as important as before in this system. Players would have the choice to comply or not the points. A book will summarize the possible choices for all existing armies. It was thought just for fun, and almost all special rules of existing models could be ignored because of it.
>About round bases : there would be a misunderstanding at this level too. Some Warhammer miniatures will indeed now sold on round bases, but it’s the consequence of some simplified rules and not a transition to a new system, or 40k-like, or I don’t know what. No link with the new “skirmish game”. The elements attached to units will be on round base (as skaven regimental weapons or dark elves cauldron of blood for example, but also characters according to pictures I’ve seen), are no longer joined the unit but move next to, and may have a round or oval base. But if your old version is not on a round base, you can still play with, no problem.
>About “waiting” armies : for the bretonnians, there is a book that will follow this year, but perhaps we can’t call this “army book” because it will be very different from what you had until then. It will be closer from the End Times books recently issued. There will be in it new units, which could join the Forces of Order, and very close from a Bretonnian army, but not only. For the Skavens, the amount of new stuff approaching is just unprecedented (although I have no visibility on dates). It won’t be really “skavens” as we knew them, but a sort of evolution type very nice and inspired. No merger with Chaos for them (anyway, no merger for anyone!). About Beastmen, they don’t have directly the same processing, to the best of my knowledge, but no doubt they will benefit from a wealth of new opportunities for chaos. I had no evidence that it’s matter of squatting them, nor nobody else.
>The quantity of new stuff for Battle will be just incredible, if all that is planed comes out. New releases will be essentially new entries, unique monsters, characters, and elite units of 2 to 5 figures. This will change progressively the overall appearance of the armies, with fewer miniatures (but larger). There will always be a place for large infantry units; however I don’t have a precise view of the new rules, that's why I can’t say if it will always be interesting to play big infantry units, or not.
Поделиться8742015-03-08 12:05:33
Женя с праздником.
Всего тебе наилучшего.
Отредактировано большой (2015-03-08 18:28:50)
Поделиться8752015-03-08 16:43:45
Евгения! С Днём Весны!
Поделиться8762015-03-09 12:25:30
Женю с прошедшим праздником! Всего самого хорошего!
А всех остальных с 3 драфтом ЕТС)
http://warhammer.org.uk/phpBB/viewtopic … p;t=128275
Поделиться8772015-03-09 14:18:08
Поделиться8782015-03-11 08:20:29
Это всё, ребята!
Поделиться8802015-03-11 10:22:07
Мир смертных предан забвению.
Ни один из смотрящих на это мракобесие не видел одинаковых событий: один видел мир пожираемый огнем, другой смотрел на ледяной хоровод звезд, третий огромные щупальца. Без бесполезные битвы были проиграны...
Дуб Веков рухнул последним. С его гибелью пространственно-временно порушился. Боги Заоса начали свою игру на других мирах, но тут за холодный шарик схватился кто-то кого боги не заметили. Какие истории будут впереди и как повернутся звезды неизвестно. Это действительно конец времен, но и новое начало...
Это если вкратце передавать содержание выложенной картинки...
Поделиться8812015-03-11 14:35:09
Ungrim and the dwarfs defend Avenheim thanks to Gelt’s Crucible but, in the end, they sacrifice themselves while imperials and bretonnians flee. Ungrim’s slayers fight against Zhufbar’s hosts.
Nagash offers Mannfred to the elves as a sing of good will, snaring him in a prison made of death magic.
Be’lakor frees Mannfred and tells him the truth about Lileath. He is later found by Jerrod (Be’lakor’s plan all the time) and tells him the truth about Lileath. Jerrod lets Mannfred live, who then flees and calls her. She admits the truth, saying that she is the Lady of the Lake, and also that she pushed Bretonnia out of the Stone Age and saved them from the greenskins and themselves. She says that she won’t ask for forgiveness, because the sacrifice of Bretonnia was needed to create the Haven. Then Be’lakor appears when Jerrod is about to kill her. They both fight and the demon defeats Jerrod (but does not kill him), and turns to kill Lileath, but Malekith and Tyrion pop out and trap Be’lakor.
Jerrod returns to his people and tells them about the Lady. They decide not to fight alongside the treacherous elves, returning to Bretonnia. No more is known of them.
After the fall of Averheim, the Incarnates face the daemonic host. The battle is hopeless, so Lileath sacrifices willingly to Teclis in order to give him the needed power to move them to Middenheim. A titanic battle takes place there, and the incarnates travel to the caverns located beneath the city, where Archaon, the Swords of Chaos, and the 4 greater daemons with their respective hosts are waiting. Grimgor fights Arachaon and almost defeats him, but Archaon manages to kill the orc. Then Archaon faces Sigmar, the Emperor, who after a long battle defeats him, throwing him inside a rift created by the Old Ones’ artifact that the chaos guys activated to destroy the world. The surviving Incarnates, aided by Teclis (who now holds the winds of Fire and Beasts), try to close the rift. They could have succeeded, but Mannfred betrays his master (Nagash) killing Gelt. Teclis tries to absorb the wind of Metal, but fails and dies, so the rift feeds on them and sucks out all the Incarnate’s powers. Archaon appears again, climbing out of the rift, and faces SIgmar one more time. They both are last seen fighting against each other, with Ghal-Maraz being held by Archaon as Sigmar tried to smash him. Meanwhile, Malekith saves Alarielle from being crushed by debris, and then she and Tyrion turn their backs and walk away while the Eternity King dies in pain, with his legs crushed. They both look back at the growing rift while the darkness swallows them.
Game Over.
Собственно теперь совсем все.
Поделиться8822015-03-11 15:06:35
Етить, даже сам Зиги не смог забороть Архаона Мы победили (хвала ГВ!) - пока ФБ
Поделиться8832015-03-11 15:20:35
Просто два пропавших примарха нашли друг друга, один стал за порядок, другой за хаос и теперь в варпе будут вечно сражаться друг с другом... Эмперор оф Мэнкайнд когда узнал об этом сделал фейспалм и приказал выпилить все записи о них за то что сеттинг ФБ похерили...
Поделиться8842015-03-11 15:45:08
Они даже по размерам не тянут на примархов) Да и все примархи стали хозяевами своей планеты, Зиги - нет.
Поделиться8852015-03-11 15:48:20
Не все Альфа и Омега не стали, Ангрон не стал, Морти вообще чуть коней не двинул, Коракс также был лидером, но не правителем
Поделиться8862015-03-11 16:22:08
про Альфа и Омега там не оч понятно)
Слушайте, а End of Times случаем не Мартин писал?
Смерти есть, зло есть. Только свадьбы не хватает
Поделиться8872015-03-11 16:27:33
Ангрон уже был сильно не в себе, ага)) А Альфарии немного не про то, как и Коракс. Морти - ну он ущербный, да. Ему до сих пор всякие Драйги на сердце нецензурщину царапают... А Зиги всегда об этом мечтал - вести человечество к успеху и вся хурма...
Отредактировано Ph@ntom (2015-03-11 16:28:29)
Поделиться8882015-03-11 17:48:46
Я не верю, вы всё врети
фб очистится от случайных людей и вернется к нам в формате 6-й православной редакции
Поделиться8892015-03-11 18:48:18
То, что мертво, умереть не может. Все хорошо.
Поделиться8902015-03-12 11:05:25
Ungrim Красавчик !!! Я знал что он самая чОткая борода из всех бород!
А архаон какой- то перебыченый слишком.
Поделиться8912015-03-13 18:25:38
Женя, надеюсь, это не имеет к тебе никакого отношения?
Ведь, "Территория Джа" все таки =(
Поделиться8922015-03-15 21:50:31
Сегодня отцу признался что я согласен с энд оф таймс
Он выглядел покинутым и лишь спросил:
"У тебя парень есть?"
Я грустно ответил что есть.
Он спросил еще
"И ты его прямо в зад?"
Я кивнул.
Он что то пробубнил под нос и ушел.
В квартире уже несколько гробовая тишина.
Отредактировано Khelout (2015-03-15 21:50:57)
Поделиться8932015-03-15 22:09:52
ОСТОРОЖНО! Вообще-то наш форум читают дети!
Поделиться8942015-03-15 22:45:22
наш форум читают дети
к детям и обращусь
Дети! Приходите в ФБ и Мордхейм!
Только у нас вход -- 3 подтягивания мужским хватом
Только у нас товарищество и взаимовыручка
Только у нас мегасупертеррейн!
Если не пивень, го в ФБ!!!
Поделиться8952015-03-16 19:00:55
Пожалуйста, выделите кто нибудь 5-7 см зеленки, верну, как Коля привезет.
Поделиться8962015-03-16 23:19:07
5-7 см ты форумом ошибся. Тут тебе и больше выделят. По локоть где-то.
Отредактировано Khelout (2015-03-16 23:39:07)
Поделиться8972015-03-17 13:58:54
У тебя есть? принесешь на выходных или на неделе готов забрать.
Поделиться8982015-03-17 17:31:59
Вова, не имеет)
Поделиться8992015-03-17 19:52:52
А ты можешь выручить меня?
Поделиться9002015-03-19 13:42:00
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