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Клуб Настольных Игр ''Поле Битвы'' г. Ростов-на-Дону

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Yesterday we had a "you had better sit down" moment with the rumors coming off of Warseer. 9th edition is changing, and the Endtimes are the catalyst for these changes in the background and future of the game. However, its not just the background that is changing, releases and how they come about are about to be changed. Armies from 8th edition, from the Endtimes, and future releases, will all be valid, leaving no one out.

As always these are still considered rumors. The source is stepping in to reveal some insight to the new changes that are coming, to help alleviate and correct some misconceptions with yesterdays rumors about the massive changes coming to 9th edition Warhammer Fantasy.

Take your time with these, as there is a lot to absorb. I also want to thank the source for stepping in here.

via a very solid source on Faeit 212
Let me give you some confirmation:
The setting is being completely overhauled - true.
The concept of a huge chunks of the world in a sea similar to the warp from 40k - true.
Faction reduction to 6 - true

As for how it interacts with the current rules.
9th edition takes place after the sundering that brought about from the End Times.

So for the purposes of compatibility, you can use your 8th edition hardback book, representing a section of the culture that hasn't been horrifically changed by the End Times (Recognizing it will have the same drawbacks of using a dated book that are experienced elsewhere).

You can use End Times rules/concepts, representing a section that is still being torn apart.

You can use the new, post-end times rules to represent what is "current."

All the books (again, with the caveat that older books may not be optimal for the new core rules [but truthfully the core rules aren't changing wildly, like 5th to 6th edition 40k, really more of a tidied up 8th edition with a brand new setting]) are designed to be compatible.

Support will be towards the new book, new setting, however, with End Times being in the past.  Viable, but not current.

Expect armies to have fewer units in their core books, which will be heavily focused on the fluff for where they are now, what they've been doing in the centuries immediately following the sundering.  This will create a more "balanced" pool as they will be rapidly produced and released (consider a scale even somewhat faster than what we've had for 40k these past few years).

These will then be expanded on with supplements, not intended as money-grabs (as I am sure they will be received by the majority of your readers), but more as guided hands to acknowledge deficiencies in books, or even "global meta" changes.  The first time that Games Workshop will be openly acknowledging things that need changes.

These units will typically get white dwarf rules treatments heralding the release in hardback of all of the new units from the previous month(s), for a new setting expansion, which will pit several of the races together (representing a collision).

As these expansions are not permanent in the world, so too will these models not be.  They are intended to only get one template injection mold life-run, the same as the books will be printed only once in hardback, then delayed paperback.

They will of course remain legal throughout all of 9th, they will just be more limited eventually, the same as the end time models will not be available forever, the same as XYZ model is no longer available (just with a shorter life span than previous experienced).  I mean... you can't get albion models anymore either, but that campaign was before people whined on the internet, so I guess that's why no one's complaining.

This will allow for more new models, as contrary to common belief, the storage and rejuvenation of these templates takes a lot of resources which can be instead dedicated to new ones.

On the topic of round bases.  The latest version I saw used round bases, but units had the option of ranking up to receive the typical bonuses.  To rank up using round bases, it is intended to use new movement trays which have circular cuts to hold the bases of the appropriate size.

Nothing stops you from (and in many ways you are encouraged to) maintain unit formation the entire game.  But you don't have to.  Note that throughout all of Warhammer Fantasy, changing width/depth was an option, it's just rarely seen.

So to summarize - you can skirmish, but it's in your interests to rank up for different reasons, like shield walling before a charge for instance.  You can alternatively always hold a formation and move the way we're all used to.


This will be a very big change.  It is not because GW doesn't care about its old players and just wants to attract new ones.  It is not to fill a void that will come from the fading of Lord of the Rings (which will remain in stores and be supported for a long time due to the agreement with New Line Cinemas).

It is just a very fresh look at a game that hasn't changed dramatically in how it's played since the dawn of the game and company.  It will give everyone the opportunity and hopefully inspiration to do something new, but without invalidating everything from the past.  It is opening room for creativity, not closing doors.

Yes, army books will eventually feel too out of date to play, but that's the same with any new edition.  And new Army Books will typically allow people to recreate what they're "used to" it just might not be the most effective thing they could do with their new book.

The new faction are basically the opposite of warriors of chaos, but good the way chaos marines are the opposite of space marines but evil (in terms of broad tropes, I really hope this doesn't spawn some kind of debate about the morality of space marines).

Lastly, nothing stops you from just playing 8th, and ignoring 9th the same way some people ignore End Times.  Just understand that unlike Storm of Chaos which was post-production looked at as an "alternate timeline" where the clock was turned back to right before it took place for the purposes of the setting, the End Times are real, and 9th will begin where it left off.



Это прекрасно. В вахе останутся спортдрочеры и примкнувшая к ним школота. Энд оф таймс.



Уж лучше за ваху переживайте, чем за курсы валют. С вашим оптимизмом и верой во всю фигню, что скажут непойми кто уж лучше так)



Курс доллара прямо влияет на стоимость моего хобби. Конечно я буду переживать. :)

Кто дал ГВшникам поиграть в Аллоды, колитесь :)

ЗЫ. Мое предсказание, что ФБ, как мы его знаем, осталось существовать год, похоже, было верным.



Буду играть снова в 6ку. Или, как вариант, ЕТЦ останется в формате 8ед а новые правила проведут отдельным чемпионшипом.






http://www.vg247.com/2015/01/14/total-w … ouncement/



Интересно, мы увидим карту старого мира или грёбанные пузыри пространства???



с намного большей вероятностью- карту старого мира.
разработка была начата давным-давно



Парни, это типа как в 40К шняга? И как в 40 к это работает?



Ты берешь юниты из списка с написанными ограничениями и получаешь обозначенные плюхи.



Интересно. Может заиграют ранее забытые отряды.



О, формации)



Вальтен всё...



Не уверен, правда или нет, но все же:

Seems like lizardman are gone!
in short, Skaven have built a gigantic canon over the course of several
hundred years and with that they shot down Morrslieb, one of the Moons of
the Warhammer World.
The resulting rain of moonchunks down onto the planet destroyed a large
part of the Lizardsmans' continent, turning it into a burning wasteland. The
surviving Lizards gathered on one of the remaining parts and to keep it
simple: ripped it out of the ground through magic and flew away.

seems like dem reptiles are gone.
last page of the book shows an artwork of acharon coming out of a chaos
portal with a verminlord next to him.






Лизардов, конечно, жалко, но может это сплетни



Арли новые - шикардятина! И миньки крутые, и ваще! Пора возвращаться в 40к, видимо :)

Отредактировано Ph@ntom (2015-01-28 09:13:49)



Тута много некронов:   Некроны
Сканы почти всего БУМАЖНОГО кодекса.



Господа Мордхеймцы, я в Хобби центре нашел такую коробку за 1300 рублей - может вас заинтересует:



Господа, если кто-то увидит в сети полный свежий кодекс некронов, вы не могли бы дать ссылку на его скачивание? Имею некоторые проблемы с загрузкой из контакта, поэтому, если будет возможность, можно выложить его на какой-нибудь файлообменник? Буду очень признателен.



Вот некронокодекс, залил на яндексдиск, качайте кому надо



а нормальной нет версии тут не сделаны скриншоты под спецрулы



https://m.vk.com/doc-756482_363375023?h … 321eb34a67



Залил еще одну версию по просьбе Тучигона
ссылку повторю



Мде, новые некроны...

Точнее в гробницу.



Если повезет - я могу попробовать в субботу прийти потестировать новых некронов на 1500 с некоторой проксей (врейтов до переиздания не брал, думал, их совсем занерфят, ошибся).

Отредактировано Minipanda (2015-02-01 14:05:15)



Если на 1850 наберешь (бери любую проксю, я к этому максимально лояльно отношусь) - можем поиграться в субботу. Я как раз арлей хочу потестить.



Мне стыдно, у меня 12 бумажных врайтов :( Ну хотя бы не пустая подставка будет :(

В любом случае пока не наберу нормальный формат - играть особо не планирую, просто интересен был бы сам тест.

Отредактировано Minipanda (2015-02-01 14:31:41)



Врайты с 5 тафной дно? Я поначалу охренел когда увидел транценднентного ктана в хевисапорте). И мне формация понравилась 2 монолита +обелиск. Личгарды по 25 очей за модель в 5 тафне с 5 силой.