Стартует лига по правилам киллтима с ролевыми элементами.
Ростер на 200 очков. Слоты возможны все, кроме ХКу. Обязательно назначение лидера и 3х специалистов.
Специалисты могут бесплатно выбрать по 1 спецправилу из списков ниже. (СП не должны повторяться)
COMBAT SPECIALIST: Counter-attack, Furious Charge, Hammer of Wrath, Hatred (что то одно), Instant Death, Rage, Rampage.
WEAPON SPECIALIST: Ignores Cover, Master-crafted, Rending, Sniper, Split Fire.
DIRTY FIGHTER SPECIALIST: Blind, Concussive, Fear, Fleshbane, Poisoned (4+), Rending, Shred, Soul Blaze.
INDOMITABLE SPECIALIST: Adamantium Will, Crusader, Eternal Warrior, Fearless, Feel No Pain, Relentless, Strikedown, Stubborn.
GUERILLA SPECIALIST: Fleet, Hit & Run, Infiltrate, Move Through Cover, Night Vision, Preferred Enemy (что то одно), Scout, Stealth.
1. на все типы юнитов, кроме инфантри.
2. На модели с более 2х вунд.
3. На любой второй сейв.
Битва происходит на столе 48х48 дюймов. Минимум 8 элементов террейна.
Break Tests: If, at the start of your turn, your opponent has destroyed (or otherwise caused to be removed from play) more than half the total number of models in your Kill Team, your force is Broken. From that point on, each of your models must make a Break test at the beginning of each of your Movement phases, including the turn on which your force was Broken. Starting with your Leader (if he is still alive), each of your models must make a Leadership test. If the test is passed, all is well and the model bravely fights on as normal; if the test is failed, your model flees from the battlefield and is immediately removed as a casualty. Мodels with the Fearless special rule automatically pass Break tests. Models with the And They Shall Know No Fear special rule re-roll failed Break tests.
Command Range: Your Leader has a Command Range of 6". If your force is Broken and your Leader passes his Break test, all friendly models within his Command Range automatically pass their Break tests.
Codex: Chaos Daemons: The Warp Storm special rule is not used in Kill Team missions.
Codex: Chaos Space Marines: The Champion of Chaos special rule Is not used in Kill Team missions.
Codex: Necrons: Whenever a Necron model is removed as a casualty, replace the model with a Reanimation Protocol marker. Only make Reanimation Protocol rolls for markers that are within 2" of another friendly Necron model (other Reanimation Protocol markers do not count); any markers that are more than 2" away from a friendly Necron model when Reanimation Protocol rolls are made fail automatically – remove the marker.
Codex: Dark Eldar: All friendly models from a Dark Eldar Kill Team that have the Power from Pain special rule, immediately count as having earned one Pain Token for every five enemy non-vehicle models they have killed.
Necron models only count as killed when they have failed their Reanimation Protocol rolls.
Each Kill Team Mission uses some or all of the following Secondary Objectives, shared by both players:
Slay the Leader: If, at the end of the game, the enemy’s Leader has been slain, you score 1 Victory Point. If the enemy Leader fled the battlefield as a result of a failed Break test, a Victory Point is not awarded.
Linebreaker: If, at the end of the game, you have at least one model in the enemy’s deployment zone, you score 1 Victory Point. Models that are falling back or that have gone to ground do not count.First Blood: If, at the end of the game, the first model to be removed as a casualty was part of your opponent’s Kill Team, you score 1 Victory Point.
Break the Enemy: If, at the end of the game, you have completely destroyed more than half of your opponent’s models, you score 1 Victory Point.
6 миссий из книги. Нет Лидер трейтов и рандом гаме ленфа. И без мистериос обжективов.
Игра идет 30 мин. Без ограничения по ходам.
Лига состоит из 10 игр. Кто больше игр выиграл, тот и победил.
Модель получает 1 ехр за каждую убитую модель противника, 2 ехр за убитого специалиста, 3 ехр за убитого лидера.
В конце игры ехр можно потратить на улучшение параметров и покупку спецправил из списка ниже.
Adamantium will 1
And they shal know no fear 15
Blingt 3
Counter-attack 5
Crusader 1
Eternal warrior 10
Fear 3
Fearles 10
Feel no pain 5
Fleet 5
Fleshbane 10
Furious charge 3
Hatred (что то одно) 5
Hit & run 5
Ignores Cover 15
It wil no die 5
Move through cover 5
Preferred enemy (что то одно) 10
Rage 7
Rampage 5
Relentles 10
Rending 5
Shrouded 10
Slow & purposeful 10
Split fire 7
Stealh 5
.+1 WS\BS 1\2\4\8\16
.+1 T (max 6) 3\6\12\24
.+1 I 1\2\4\8\16
.+1 Ld (max 10) 1\2\4\8\16
.+1 S 1\2\4\8\16
.+1 W (max 2) 5
.+1 A (max 10) 3\6\12\24
.+1 Sv (max 3+) 5\10\15
.+1 In Sv (max 4++) 10\20\30
Если ваша модель убита - в конце игры кидаете д6. на 1-2-3 она считается уничтоженной и на следующую игру заменяется новой без купленных бонусов. На 4-5-6 в следующей игре опять участвует эта прокаченная модель.
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